GDPR compliance

ClowdWork is GDPR compliant.

At ClowdWork we understand the importance of privacy for your business and its customers.
We comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law that went into effect
on May 25, 2018. Our team is fully committed to ensuring that data subjects are protected.
Among the steps we have taken to meet GDPR requirements and be transparent about what
we do with your data, we updated our Privacy Policy, and conducted a data inventory and
data flow audit, we conducted a detailed gap analysis, developed operational
policies, procedures and processes, secured personal data through procedural and
technical measures, ensured teams are trained and competent and constantly monitor
and audit compliance. ClowdWork only captures the tittle of the application that is
being used and the screenshot capture feature allows deletion of screenshots that
may contain user´s private information.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the GDPR, please feel free to
contact us.

ClowdWork has appointed a data protection officer (DPO). You may contact ClowdWork’s DPO
Alexandra Gamarra at